Issue Position: Gov. Spending & Debt

Issue Position

Point at issue

$100 plus trillion dollars of national debt (including unfunded liabilities)
Congress spends more than revenues produce. (Approx. $500 billion each year currently)
Corporate America receives billions in corporate welfare. Gov. spent 50% more on Corp. welfare than it did on food stamps and housing assistance in 2006.

Proposed Solution

Limit federal spending to 10% of actual GDP.
(2017 GDP $19.7 trillion = $1.9 trillion in spending = approx. 1990 spending levels)
Cut federal budget by $100-$300 billion dollars each year over the next decade
End all corporate welfare & subsidies

Neither Congress Nor the Congressional Budget Office or the Gov. Accounting Office can currently or has ever been able to provide a complete list of all Gov. agencies and the programs they administer, thus no true account can be given for what our tax dollars are spent on.
